RS-60 Varable speed rotator with timer
RS-60 Varable speed rotator with timer is designed for soft vertical mixing
or extraction of chemical or biological materials in laboratory. RS-60 Varable
speed rotator with timer provides time control of mixing process in 0-6 min
range or non stop operation. Universal unique fixating mechanism provides easy
fixation of tubes with different sizes and geometry (from small Eppendorf to
vacutiner type tubes). RS-60 laboratory varable speed rotator with timer is
applicable in all areas of laboratory research & education in biotechnology,
molecular biology, biochemistry, microbiology, chemistry, cytochemistry, medicine,
gene engineering, diagnostic, food quality analysis.
More information about RS-60 Varable speed rotator with
timer You can find on the Homepage Lab4you GmbH
Lab4you GmbH
Rudower Chaussee 29-31, 12489 - Berlin, Germany