Zinc-Germanium Diphosphide (ZnGeP2, ZGP) Single Crystals
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Zinc-Germanium Diphosphide (ZnGeP2, ZGP) single crystals are the highly-effective non-linear optical material for the middle IR, as well as terahertz range. ZnGeP2 crystals have positive birefringence which allows one to carry out the phasematched parametric frequency conversion of optical radiation in all the ranges of their background transparency spectrum from 0.75 to 12.0 µm. Its useful transmission range lies from 2.1 to 10.6 µm with absoprtion of lower than 0.04 cm-1. ZnGeP2 has the largest non-linear optical coefficient and a relatively high laser damage threshold. It was successfully used in the following applications: up-conversion of CO2 laser light to near IR range(1) via mixing with 1.06 mm; sum frequency generation of CO and CO2 laser radiation; efficient SHG of pulsed CO, CO2 (49% efficiency at 1 GW/cm2 intensity of 2 ns pulses, 9.52 mm wavelength) and chemical DF-laser, OPO light generation in mid infrared when pumped by erbium and holmium lasers.

• Second, third, and fourth harmonic generation of      CO2-laser • Optical parametric generation with pumping at a wavelength of 2.0 µm
• Second harmonic generation of CO-laser • Producing coherent radiation in submillimeterrange from 70.0 µm to 1000 µm -      Terahertz range
• Generation of combined frequencies of CO2- and CO-lasers radiation and other lasers are working in the crystal transparency region.

 • F. Rotermund, V. Petrov, F. Noack and P. Schunemann. Characterization of ZnGeP2 for parametric generation with near-infrared femtosecond pumping. Fiber and Integrated Optics 20 (2001) 139-50
 • G.A.Verozubova, A.I.Gribenyukov, V.V.Korotkova, O.Semchinova, D.Uffmann. Synthesis and growth of ZnGeP2 crystals for nonlinear optical applications. Journal of Crystal Growth (2000) Vol 213, 3-4, 334-339
 • Madarasz, F. L., J. O. Dimmock, N. Deitz, and K. J. Bachmann, Sellmeier parameters for ZnGeP2 and GaP, J. Appl. Physics, 87, 1564-1565 (2000)
 • V. Petrov, F. Rotermund, F. Noack and P. Schunemann. Femtosecond parametric generation in ZnGeP2. Opt. Lett. 24 (1999) 414-6
 • V. Petrov, Y. Tanaka and T. Suzuki. Parametric generation of 1-ps between 5 and 11 µm with a ZnGeP2 crystal. IEEE J. Quantum Elect. QE-33 (1997) 1749-55
 • K. Stoll, J.-J. Zondy, O. Acef. Fourth-harmonic generationof a continuous-wave CO2 laser by use of an AgGaSe2/ZnGeP2 doubly resonant device. Optics Letters, 1997, Volume 22, Issue 17, 1302-1304
 • K. L. Vodopyanov. Parametric generation of tunable infrared radiation in ZnGeP2 and GaSe pumped at 3 µm. JOSA B, 1993, 10, 9, 1723

Transparency range, µm 0.75 - 12.0
Point group 42m
Density, g/cm3 4.12
Mohs hardness 5.5
Refractive indexes:
at 2.00 µm no = 3.1490; ne = 3.1889
at 4.00 µm no = 3.1223; ne = 3.1608
at 6.00 µm no = 3.1101; ne = 3.1480
at 8.00 µm no = 3.0961; ne = 3.1350
at 10.00 µm no = 3.0788; ne = 3.1183
at 12.00 µm no = 3.0552; ne = 3.0949
Non-linear coefficient, pm/V d36 = 68.9 (at 10.6 µm), d36 = 75.0 (at 9.6 µm)
Optical damage threshold, MW/cm2 60 (at 10.6 µm, 150 ns)

We supply ZnGeP2 (ZGP) optical elements made according to customers' order.

I N Q U I R Y    F O R M :

Quantity of elements:

For example: SHG@1064; SFG@800+267->200; DFG@780-842->10600; OPO@355->460÷560+960÷1150; etc.
polished sites:

 a-b b-c a-c
or d  
Type & angles:
 I    II         angles:  theta ° , phi °
For example:
10.0 +/- 0.1

For example: p-coating, ARC s1/s2 1064 R<0.25%; ARC s1/s2 1064 R<0.25%+532<0.5%;
BBAR s1/s2 1064 R<1%+3÷10<5% etc.
a = mm;
c = mm
b     = mm or
dia. = mm;
This field is for additional information such as application,
comments, add. requirements etc.

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