Er; Cr,Er or Cr,Nd doped Yttrium Scandium Gallium Garnet (YSGG) crystals
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Active elements from Erbium doped Yttrium Scandium Gallium Garnet crystals (Er:Y3Sc2Ga3012 or Er:YSGG), single crystals, are desinged for diode pumped solid-state lasers radiating in the 3 µm range. Er:YSGG crystals show the perspectiveness of their application alongside with the widely used Er:YAG, Er:GGG and Er:YLF crystals.

   Flash lamp pumped solid-state lasers based on Cr,Nd and Cr,Er doped Yttrium Scandium Gallium Garnet crystals (Cr,Nd:Y3Sc2Ga3012 or Cr,Nd:YSGG and Cr,Er:Y3Sc2Ga3012 or Cr,Er:YSGG) have a higher efficiency than those based on Nd:YAG and Er:YAG. Active elements manufactured from YSGG crystals are optimum for medium power pulse lasers with the repetition rates of up to several tens of cycles. The advantages of YSGG crystals compared with YAG crystals are lost when large size elements are used because of the worse thermal characteristics of YSGG crystals.
Crystal Er3+:YSGG Cr3+,Nd3+:YSGG Cr3+,Er3+:YSGG
Crystal structure cubic cubic cubic
Dopant concentration 30 - 50 at.% Cr: (1 ÷ 2) x 1020; Nd: (2 ÷ 3) x 1020 Cr: (1 ÷ 2) x 1020; Er: 4 x 1021
Spatial group Oh10 Oh10 Oh10
Lattice constant, Å 12.42 12.42 12.42
Density, g/cm3 5.2 5.2 5.2
Orientation <001>, <111> <001>, <111> <001>, <111>
Mohs hardness >7 > 7 > 7
Thermal expansion coefficient 8.1 x 10-6x°K-1 8.1 x 10-6 x°K-1 8.1 x 10-6 x°K-1
Thermal conductivity, W x cm-1 x °K-1 0.079 0.06 0.06
Refractive index, at 1.064 µm 1.926 - -
Lifetime, µs - 240 1400
Emission cross-section, cm2 - 1.5 x 10-19 5.2 x 10-21
Relative (to YAG) efficiency of transformation of energy of the flash lamp - 2.3 1.5
Termooptical factor (dn/dT) 7 x 10-6 x°K-1 - -
Generated wavelength, µm 2.797; 2.823 - -

Comparative generation characteristics:
Crystal type Er:YSGG Er:YAG
Er concerntation, at. % 38 33
Pumping wavelength, nm 966 964
Stimulated radiation wavelength, µm 2.797; 2.823 2.830
Generation threshold, mW 72 418
Max. power output at pumping power 720 mW, 966 nm 201 51
Slope efficiency, % 31.1 16.9

Characteristics and applications of YSGG:
Dopant Cr,Nd Cr,Ho,Tm Cr,Er
Lasing wavelength, µm 1.058 2.088 2.791
Refractive index 1.9263 1.9263 1.9263
Termooptical factor (dn/dT) 12.3 x 10-6 x °K-1 12.3 x 10-6 x °K-1 12.3 x 10-6 x °K-1
Ultimate lasing regimes,
Free running mode
overall efficiency 8% overall efficiency 2.1%
slope efficiency 3.1%
overall efficiency 2.1%
slope efficiency 3.0%
Ultimate lasing regimes,
Electro-optical Q-switch
pulse energy 500 mJ
overall efficiency 4%
overall efficiency 0.16%
slope efficiency 0.38%
Sizes, (dia x length), mm from 3 x 30 to 12.7 x 152.4 from 3 x 30 to 9.5 x 101.6 from 3 x 30 to12.7 x 127.0
Fields of applications material processing, scientific investigations material processing, medical applications, lithotripsy material processing, medical applications, scientific investigations

Rods with round cross-sections are manufactured:
Diameter tolerance, mm + 0.0 / -0.1
Length tolerance, mm +1.0 / -0.0
Chamfer 45 ± 10° x 0.2 ± 0.1 mm
Parallelism < 30'
Perpendicularity < 15'
Flatness < 0.2
Absorption loss at 1150 nm, cm-1 < 0.005

We supply rods and slabs with different cross-sections, dimensions and coatings. Different dopants compositions with different concentrations are available for specific customer requirements.

I N Q U I R Y    F O R M :

Quantity of elements:

For example: SHG@1064; SFG@800+267->200; DFG@780-842->10600; OPO@355->460÷560+960÷1150; etc.
polished sites:

 a-b b-c a-c
or d  
Dopant conc.:
% ;      Orientation:
For example:
10.0 +/- 0.1

For example: ARC s1/s2 1064 R<0.25%; ARC s1/s2 1064 R<0.25%+532<0.5%;
BBAR s1/s2 1064 R<1%+3÷10<5% etc.
a = mm;
c = mm
b = mm or
dia. = mm;
This field is for additional information such as application,
comments, add. requirements etc.

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