Non-linear Crystal Lithium Triborate (LiB3O5 or LBO)
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Non-linear optical crystal Lithium Triborate (LiB3O5 or LBO) is attractive by a set of unique features: wide transparency range from VUV to IR, high optical damage threshold, high effective non-linear coefficients and non-critical phase matching availability, very small walk-off. LBO boules are grown with an improved high temperature flux method.
   LBO has band edges at 0.16 and 3.3 µm. Its useful transmission range (<5%/cm) is 0.21 to 2.3 µm. However, if higher absorption is acceptable, LBO compliments BBO by allowing deeper UV mixing. It also allows temperature-controllable non-critical phase matching (NCPM) for nominal 1.0-1.3 µm, Type I SHG. LBO also provides room temperature, quasi-NCPM (angle tune while maintaining =90°) for Type II SHG (0.8-1.1 µm) and THG(0.95-1.2 µm), a unique capability attributable, in part, to its biaxiality.
   LBO's lower birefringence limits its UV phase matching to certain combinations of longer wavelength radiation, but it also possesses significantly larger angular acceptance bandwidths, reducing the beam quality requirements for source lasers.

  • SHG from high power lasers: Nd:YAG, Ti:Sapphire (650 - 1100 nm), Alexandrite (700 - 800 nm) and Copper-vapor (580 nm)
  • THG of YAG, Ti:Sapphire, Alexandrite lasers
  • Tunable solid-state lasers using UV (308, 355 nm), visible or IR (1064 nm) as the pump in OPO process
  • Phase atching cut off: at fundamental 554 nm for SHG, at 794 nm for THG, down to 160 nm for SFM
  • Autocorrelation measurements of ultrashort optical pulses

Transparency range, nm 160 - 2600
Symmetry ortorombic, point group mm2
Space group Pna21
Lattice parameters, Å a = 8.447, b = 7.3798, c = 5.1408 Å, z = 2
Density, g/cm3 2.47
Melting point, C° 834
Mohs hardness 6
Refractive indexes:  
  at 1064 nm nx = 1.5656; ny = 1.5905; nz = 1.6055
  at 532 nm nx = 1.5785; ny = 1.6065; nz = 1.6212
  at 355 nm nx = 1.5973; ny = 1.6286; nz = 1.6444
Non-linear coefficient, pm/V d31 = 0.67, d32 = 0.85 pm/V
Cut off SHG - 554 nm; THG - 794 nm; SFM-down to 160 nm
Walk off Type I - 0.43°; Type II - 0.22°
Non-critical phase matching along X axis can be achieved for 1064 nm (peaked at 149°C) and for 1080 nm (112°C).
Optical damage threshold, MW/cm2 >10 000 (1064 nm, 20 ns, 50 Hz)
Conversion efficiency, % >70 (1064 nm, 20 ns, 50 Hz, 2 W)
  30 (800 nm, 20 ns, 50 Hz, 2 W)
  55 (1064 nm, quasi CW, 2 W)
  50 (1064 nm, 20 ns, 3 W)
Chemical properties non-hygroscopic
Max. size of element, mm3 10 x 10 x 20

We supply LBO optical elements made according to customers' order.

I N Q U I R Y    F O R M :

Quantity of elements:

For example: SHG@1064; SFG@800+267->200; DFG@780-842->10600; OPO@355->460÷560+960÷1150; etc.
polished sites:

 a-b b-c a-c
or d  
Type & angles:
 I    II         angles:  theta ° , phi °
For example:
10.0 +/- 0.1

For example: p-coating, ARC s1/s2 1064 R<0.25%; ARC s1/s2 1064 R<0.25%+532<0.5%;
BBAR s1/s2 1064 R<1%+3÷10<5% etc.
a = mm;
c = mm
b     = mm or
dia. = mm;
This field is for additional information such as application,
comments, add. requirements etc.

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