Vortex F/S-16 for Eppendorf tubes
Vortex F/S-16 for Eppendorf tubes is intended for intensive stirring of bacterial
and yeast cells when washing from culture medium and for metabolits extraction
from the cells. Vortex F/S-16 for Eppendorf tubes can be used in DNA technology
- deproteinisation of DNA / protein complexes, purification of low-molecular
DNA / RNA fragments in PCR-diagnostics. 16-socket platform is supplied with
rubber petalled clips fixing upper part of tubes and pressing tube bottom to
the rotating vortex platform. If upper of Vortex F/S-16 for Eppendorf tubes
platform is removed mixing in large laboratory flasks is possible. Vortex F/S-16
for Eppendorf tubes is applicable in all areas of laboratory research &
education in biotechnology, molecular biology, biochemistry, cell-biochemistry,
microbiology, chemistry, cytochemistry, medicine, gene engineering, PCR-diagnostic,
food quality analysis.
More information about Vortex F/S-16 for Eppendorf tubes
You can find onthe Homepage Lab4you GmbH
Lab4you GmbH
Rudower Chaussee 29-31, 12489 - Berlin, Germany