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High efficient laser beam shaping systems
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No more losing of energy !   Up to 50% saved !
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An idea of πShaper operation is illustrated at the left picture. Gaussian intensity distribution of TEMoo laser beam is converted to a flat-top distribution (similar to a Greek letter π ) that stays invariable over a long distance.
πShaper relates to so called refractive field mapping systems, where the intensity profile is transformed in a control manner.
Sure the technology of energy conversion make it possible to create almost arbitrary intensity distribution of output beam providing adaptation to a particular application. However, very often just flat-top distribution is required, that is why as a standard the πShaper provides flattop.

A main benefit from using πShaper is saving of laser energy that is very important in many laser applications, especially in material processing. The problem is that Gauss intensity distribution isn't an optimum one in many cases. For example, while materials treating a great part of energy concentrated far from a middle of TEMoo laser beam is not used to get a proper treating effect, most often it is considered as a loss of energy. From this point of view evaluation of the efficiency of using laser energy has a great importance.

As a first approach it could be done with taking into account geometrical issues only, without effects accompanying laser treatment of materials like burning, etc. At a figure below one can see Gauss intensity distribution in a section of laser beam where Ih is a level of energy when an effect of material treatment happens. "The energy figure" of laser beam has three parts:
        - E1 - an apex of Gauss is an excess of energy over the working level Ih,
        - E2 - "tails" of Gauss that almost always are losses of energy, and
        - E3 - effective "cylinder" of energy.
Results of calculations for "parts of energy" are presented at right figure.

These results seem to be very interesting. The unconditional energy loss E2, "tails", can reach very high level, for example, if a working energy level is a half of maximum (very often just this level is considered as a working one) the energy losses are 50% of full laser beam energy!

In case of laser technologies of treatment of thin films of material the energy part
E1, "apex of Gauss", is also considered as a loss of energy since this part exceeds the working energy level Ih, thus both energy parts E1 and E2 represent losses. Sum of losses E1 + E2 is shown as a graph at the diagram as well; minimum of this function is 0,63. In other words, when treating of thin films in the best case "only" 63% of energy is lost and 37% is effective!

Sure, this is geometrical interpretation only, however this approach makes it possible to evaluate amount of losses of laser radiation, they could reach, sometimes, a half of total laser energy! While applying technologies of beam shaping it is possible to improve substantially the efficiency of using the laser energy, as well as to reach some additional effects of laser materials treatment.

An illustration of the πShaper influence on the results of material processing with using the laser is presented at left picture. Here one can see a comparison of engraving of a depression in a material with pure TEMoo laser as well as with the same laser but with a πShaper after it.

Difference is evident - irregular shape of the depression with a ragged unwished hole in the middle in case of direct engraving with the TEMoo laser, good shaped round depression with a controlled depth when applying the πShaper.

This is only one example of positive effect of applying the πShaper, there is a plenty of laser applications, however, where this unique tool can improve their performance providing a higher level of stability and predictability of a technological process.

πShaper is looking forward to your application!

Full publication about energy saving is here(PDF, 141 KB)

Beam Shaping? Easy!     Article in "Industrial Laser Solutions", July 2006 (PDF, 1,75 MB)

πShaper opens new opportunities in effective using of lasers!