Chemically Vapor Deposited Zinc Selenide (CVD ZnSe)
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Lithium Tetraborate
Chemically vapor deposited zinc selenide (CVD ZnSe) is the material of choice for use as optical components in high powered CO2 lasers due to its low bulk absorption at 10.6 microns. Its index of refraction homogeneity and uniformity offers excellent optical performance for use as protective windows or optical elements in high resolution forward looking infrared (FLIR) thermal imaging equipment. This material has also been used as small windows and lenses in medical and industrial applications, such as thermometry and spectroscopy. It has an extremely low bulk losses due to absorption and scatter, has a high resistance to thermal shock and is stable in virtually all environments.
   Zinc selenide is a relatively soft material and scratches rather easily. It requires an antireflection coating due to its high refractive index if high transmission is required. ZnSe has a rather low dispersion across its useful transmission range. For high power applications, it is critical that the material bulk absorption and internal defect structure be carefully controlled, that the minimum-damage polishing technology be employed, and that the highest quality optical thin film coatings are used.
Optical Properties
Crystal structure cubic
Grain size 50 - 70 µm
Density, g cm-3 @ 298K 5.27
Chemical Purity, % 99.999
10% transmission limits (t=6mm) 0.5 - 22 µm
Index of refraction inhomogeneity (Dn/n), ppm @ 0.6328µm < 3
Thermo-optic coefficient, dn/dT(298-358K), 1/K @ 0.6328µm 1.07 x 10-4
   (1/K @ 1.15µm) 7 x 10-5
   (1/K @ 3.39µm) 6.2 x 10-5
   (1/K @ 10.6µm) 6.1 x 10-5
Bulk absorption coefficient, 1/cm @ 1.3µm 5.0 x 10-3
   (1/cm @ 2.7µm) 7.0 x 10-4
   (1/cm @ 3.8µm) 4.0 x 10-4
   (1/cm @ 5.25µm) 4.0 x 10-4
   (1/cm @ 10.6µm) 5.0 x 10-4

Indices of Refraction (n) as a function of wavelength at room temperature (20°C)
Wavelength (µ) n Wavelength (µ) n Wavelength (µ) n Wavelength (µ) n
0.54 2.6754 1.80 2.4496 7.40 2.4201 13.00 2.3850
0.58 2.6312 2.20 2.4437 7.80 2.4183 13.40 2.3816
0.62 2.5994 2.60 2.4401 8.20 2.4163 13.80 2.3781
0.66 2.5755 3.00 2.4376 8.60 2.4143 14.20 2.3744
0.70 2.5568 3.40 2.4356 9.00 2.4122 14.60 2.3705
0.74 2.4518 3.80 2.4339 9.40 2.4100 15.00 2.3665
0.78 2.5295 4.20 2.4324 9.80 2.4077 15.40 2.3623
0.82 2.5193 4.60 2.4309 10.20 2.4053 15.80 2.3579
0.86 2.5107 5.00 2.4295 10.60 2.4028 16.20 2.3534
0.90 2.5034 5.40 2.4281 11.00 2.4001 16.60 2.3487
0.94 2.4971 5.80 2.4266 11.40 2.3974 17.00 2.3438
0.98 2.4916 6.20 2.4251 11.80 2.3945 17.40 2.3387
1.00 2.4892 6.60 2.4235 12.20 2.3915 17.80 2.3333
1.40 2.4609 7.00 2.4218 12.60 2.3883 18.20 2.3278

Deliveries from ground blanks to finished as well as processed optical elements are possible.

I N Q U I R Y    F O R M :

Quantity of elements:

polished sites:

 a-b b-c a-c
or d  
(if applicable)
For example:
10.0 +/- 0.1
a = mm;
c = mm
b = mm or
dia. = mm;
This field is for additional information such as application,
comments, add. requirements etc.

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