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KDP (KH2PO4) Tunable Filters AOTF
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Item Units MT-1301 MT-1302 MT-1303 custom made
Spectral Range nm 200...310 310...560 310...560 please specify
Drive Frequency MHz 165...86 86...42 135...65 will be calculated
Spectral Bandwidth nm 0.83...2.5 2.5...11.6 0.77...3.6 please specify
Optical Aperture Dia, mm 10 10 10 please specify (8 - 15)
Acceptance Angle deg 3 4 4 will be calculated
Drive Power Watts 1 3 3 -
Diffraction Efficiency % 90@200 88@310 94@310 -
Impedance Ohm 50 50 50 please specify
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