Lasers-Optics-UK Links to the WWW pages of research groups and companies in the field of lasers and optics within the UK |

Department of Physics and Applied Physics, University of Strathclyde, (Research Groups)
Glasgow, United Kingdom |
 | Cambridge International Science Publishing Publishers of books on integrated optics and optoelectronics. |  |
 | Cavendish Laboratory / Hitachi Cambridge Lab (University of Cambridge, UK) |  |

 | Laser Optics & Spectroscopy Group (Prof. P. L. Knight) of the Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom |  |
Los Alamos National Laboratory
NASA Ames Research Center: Photonics Group

Alabama University, Center for Applied Optical Sciences |  |
 | Consortium for Optical and Optoelectric Technologies in Computing The CO-OP is an ARPA-funded activity to encourage close interaction between device developers and systems researchers. Organization of free custom device foundry runs for smart pixel and diffactive optics technologies. |  |

 | University of Iowa WWW Nonlinear Optics Resource |  |
 | Lasers-Optics-USA Links to the WWW pages of research groups in the field of lasers and optics within the United States |
 | Laser Programs Home Page -- at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |  |

 | CREOL - Center for Research and Education in Optics and Lasers Part of the University of Central Florida, a comprehensive university with a current enrollment of over 20,000 students, and is the State University System's center of excellence for research and education in optics and laser sciences and engineering |  |
 | Coherent Technologies, Inc. CTI was established in 1984 to develop coherent laser radar systems and subsystems with various applications in atmospheric remote sensing and in target tracking, ranging, and imaging. |  |

 | Center for Ultrafast Optical Science (University of Michigan, USA) |  |
 | Optical Society of America |  |
 | Quantum Institute Home Page (UC Santa Barabara, California, USA) |  |
 | SNLO Downloading site for freeware for selection of nonlinear crystals and modeling frequency mixing and optical parametric oscillators. (Windows based) |
University of Rochester - Nonlinear Optics Group |  |
Colorado Advanced Technology Institute |  |
 | Quantum Optics and Atom Optics Newsletter Archive (ANU, Australia) |  |
 | Laser Physics Centre (Australia) |  |
 | Photonics Research Laboratory (U. Melbourne) |  |
 | Nonlinear Optics Laboratory part of Institute of Quantum Electronics, at ETH Zürich. |  |

 | The Optics and Laser Group, Adelaide University, Australia |  |
 | Laser Physics and Quantum Optics Group (Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad) |  |
Bentec Services (Canada)
Information and free software concerning hyperaspheric optical design. |  |
The Fiber optic Marketplace
An interactive web site focused on the Fiber optic Industry. Free Limited
advertising in Buyer's Guide. |
Lasers & Optics Links
to the WWW pages of groups engaged in research in the fields of lasers
and optics within the USA and the UK. The pages also contain an elementary
five-part tutorial on lasers. |
LFW - Laser Focus World magazine |
Photonics Net Worldwide photonics resources from Laurin Publishing. |
Photonics Online
Features photonics business, technical, and product news, with daily updates.
Includes online buyers' guide, reference section, employment center, and
discussion forums. |
The International Society for Optical Engineering |