top QUARTZ To Request Form
Cultured crystalline quartz is mostly used for fabrication of finished optics: laser beamsplitters, AO elements, polarizing optics, prisms, windows, lenses in the ultraviolet. The useful transmission range is represented from 0.18 µm to 2.8 µm by three grades of optical quartz defined by optical absorption.
Quality grade
Coefficient of absorption (αmax at 190 nm)
Coefficient of absorption (αmax at 2800 nm)
Max. available size: 100 mm along axis <100> and <010> and <001> axis. Quartz elements which we supply are manufactured as a rule according to customer's specifications.

top FUSED SILICA To Request Form

Fused Silica is amorphous, isotropic form of silicon dioxide (SiO2). The material has high homogenity and good transmission in the ultraviolet, visible and infrared spectral regions. Depending on transmission range there are UV and IR Fused Silica grades: the useful range of UV grade is 0.17 - 2 µm and of IR grade is 0.23 - 3.5 µm.
Fused Silica is less dispersive than cultured quartz, does not suffer degradation when exposed to gamma or x-rays and has low coefficient of thermal expansion, what makes it highly resistant to thermal shock.
Products manufactured: Lenses, windows, wedges, optical beamsplitters, optical filters, prisms, etc.

top SAPPHIRE To Request Form
We supply it according to customer's specifications:
  • Sapphire UV-IR windows up to 150 x 150 mm2
  • Sapphire substrates
  • Shaped Sapphire
  • Sapphire crucibles
  • Sapphire rods and wavelites (L = up to 150 mm)
  • Sapphire for medical applications
  • Metal coating for solding on Sapphire windows
top Undoped YAG To Request Form
YAG Undoped Yttrium Aluminium Garnet (Y3Al5O12 or YAG) is a new substrate and optical material that can be used for both UV and IR optics. It is particularly useful for high-temperature and high-energy applications. The mechanical and chemical stability of YAG is similar to that of Sapphire, but YAG is not birefringent and is available with high optical homogenity.We provide high quality YAG with different dimensions and specifications for the use in industrial, medical and scientific fields. YAG is grown utilising the Czochralsky technique. The as-grown crystals are then processed into rods, slabs or prisms, coated and inspected per customer specifications. YAG shows no trace absorbtion in the 2 - 3 µm region where Glasses tend to be highly absorbent because of the strong H2O band.
Physical properties:
Crystal structure cubic
Transmission range, nm 250 - 5000
Density, g/cm3 4.5
Mohs hardness ~8.5
Specific heat, W x s x g-1 x °K-1 0.59
Thermal conductivity, W x cm-1 x °K-1 0.14
Thermal expansion coefficient 6.9 x 10-6 x °K-1
Thermal shock resistance, W x m-1 790
Termooptical factor (dn/dT), at 633 nm 7.3 x 10-6 x °K-1
Refractive indexes:
at 0.8 µm 1.8245
at 1.0 µm 1.8197
at 1.4 µm 1.8121
top Undoped Yttrium Vanadate (YVO4) To Request Form
The Yttrium Vanadate (YVO4) falls under the category of birefringent crystals and meet all necessary demands to be very prospective material for fibre optical communication systems. It's ideal for optical polarizing components such as fibre optical isolators, beam displacers and circulators.

Comparison of YVO4 with other birefringent crystals:

Thermal expansion coefficient c-axis
11.4 x 10-6 x °K-1
9.2 x 10-6 x °K-1
26.3 x 10-6 x °K-1
16.7 x 10-6 x °K-1
4.4 x 10-6 x °K-1
7.1 x 10-6 x °K-1
5.4 x 10-6 x °K-1
2.0 x 10-6 x °K-1
Refractive indices no
1.9447@1550 nm
2.454@1530 nm
1.6346@1497 nm
2.2151@1440 nm
2.1486@1550 nm
2.710@1530 nm
1.4774@1497 nm
2.1413@1440 nm
Birefringence (ne - no)
0.2039@1550 nm
0.256@1530 nm
-0.1572@1497 nm
-0.0738@1440 nm
Mohs hardness
Transparency range
0.4 - 5 µm
0.4 - 5 µm
0.32 - 2.3 µm
0.4 - 5 µm
Sizes and dimensions of elements can be varied according to customer´s demand.
Single crystals of II-VI compounds are grown from the vapor phase by physical transport with helium or argon and by chemical transport with hydrogen or argon-hidrogen gas mixture. Types of materials: ZnS, ZnSe, ZnTe, Zn1-xCdxS, Zn1-xCdxSe, CdSxSe1-x
CVD ZnSe has 4 - 6 times lower absorption coefficient at 10.6 µm compared with polycrystalline ZnSe and is recommended for the usage in high power CO2 laser optics.

At present three types of AIIBVIcrystals are growing with max dimensions:

  • ZnSe - 50 mm dia., 50 mm in hight
  • CdSe - 20 mm dia., 50 mm in hight
  • CdS - 20 mm dia., 100 mm in hight
From these crystals we can fabricate:

ZnSe IR optical components, which operate as elements of high power CO2-lasers (windows, lenses, prisms, beamspliters etc.) Absorptivity at 10.6 µm is no more than 0.002 cm-1. The different coatings on the elements are available.

ZnSe oriented single crystals rods as IR electrooptical modulators with max dimensions 5 x 10 x 45 mm3, any crystallographic orientation, resistivity >1010 Ohm x cm.

ZnSe oriented cubics with dimensions 10 x 10 x 10 mm3, high resistivity (>1010 Ohm x cm).

ZnSe substrates to fabricate heterojurunctions with GaAs film (blue light emission diodes and lasers)-plates 10 x 10 mm2, 10 x 20 mm2, 10 x 30 mm2 or any other form with thickness of 1÷ 2 mm, (111) or (100) orientation, high resistivity (>1010 Ohm x cm), free of twins, EPD is 104/ cm2.

CdS oriented plates with low (<10-1 Ohm x cm) and high resistivity (>108 Ohm x cm)

top POLYCRYSTALLINE ZnSe To Request Form
Polycrystalline ZnSe is used for infrared windows, lenses and prisms where transmission in the range from 0.5 to 20 µm is desired. In comparison with other IR materials like Ge, Si and GaAs, Zinc Selenide transmits in VIS spectral range that considerably simplifies the adjustment of optical systems. polycrystalline ZnSe
Polycrystalline ZnSe is less expensive and widely used for low and medium power infrared systems.
We provide the reflection/transmission capacity of the mirror coatings by customer's order.

top SILICON, GERMANIUM To Request Form
Silicon (Si) is commonly used as a substrate material for infrared reflectors and windows in the 1.5 - 8 µm region. The strong absorption band at 9 µm makes it unsuitable for CO2-laser transmission applications but it is frequently used for laser mirrors because of its high thermal conductivity and low density. Silicon is also a usefull transmitter in the 20 µm range.
Germanium (Ge) is most widely used for lenses and windows in IR systems operating in the 2 - 12 µm range. Enviroment does not make any problems because Germanium is inert, mechanically rugged, and fairly hard. It is an excellent choice for multi-spectral systems and for applications where EMI shielding is necessary. Germanium can be electrically heated for anti-fogging or anti-icing applications.

Si Ge

We do not manufacture Germanium, but hold stock of Czochralsky grown material of various diameters. It can be used as a polycrystalline or as a single crystal. The purity should correspond to an electrical resistivity of at least 20 to 30 Ohm/cm, either p- or n-type to avoid absorption bands. The high retractive index makes AR-coating essential.
The deliveries from ground to finished Si- or Ge-blanks as well as processed uncoated or AR-coated optical elements are possible.

top TELLURIUM To Request Form


Transparency range, µm 3.5 - 36
Point group 32m
Lattice parameters, Å a = 4.495, b = 3.74, c = 5.912
Mohs hardness 2 - 2.5
Density, g/cm3 6.25
Refractive indexes:
at 5.0 µm no = 4.864; ne = 6.316
at 10.6 µm no = 4.792; ne = 6.247
at 14 µm no = 4.775; ne = 6.230
at 28 µm no = 4.716; ne = 6.183
Non-linear coefficient at 10.6 µm, pm/V d11 = 650
Optical damage threshold, MW/cm2 20 - 40 (at 10.6 µm, 150 ns)
Thermal expansion coefficient , at 293 °K:
parallel to z-axis 1.6 x 10-6 x °K -1
perpendicular to z-axis 27.2 x 10-6 x °K -1
Thermal conductivity, mW x cm-1 x °K -1 4000
top OPTICAL CRYSTALS To Request Form
Optical crystals, such as CaF2, BaF2, MgF2, LiF, NaCl, KCl, KBr, etc, are widely used in IR optics and UV optics. High transparency and low loss optical windows, prisms, lenses, achromatic lenses and parallel planes have been fabricated in these optical materials.
We supply high quality, low cost and large size crystals based on the Czochralsky and Bridgman Methods. These crystals are widely applied to the entire optical wavelength range, from vacuum ultraviolet (0.11 µm) to far infrared (40 µm). MolTech is ready to meet customers' various requirements for dimensions and other specifications.
We supply following materials:
Magnesium Fluoride (MgF2) Calcium Fluoride (CaF2)
Barium Fluoride (BaF2) Lithium Fluoride (LiF)
Potassium Bromide (KBr)
Not only as-grown and as-cut boule but also finished optical components are available.
top Magnesium Fluoride (MgF2) To Request Form
Magnesium Fluoride (MgF2) is the only optical material combining wide spectral transmittance band with birefringince phenomenon and satisfactory thermal expansion coefficient for isotropic crosssection. It is used for UV-radiation sources and receivers windows manufacture; for optical elements of interference-polarization filters, as laser resonator optics elements in quantum electronics and as active material in IR and submillimeter band.

Physical Properties:

Transmission range (thickness 10 mm), µm 0.11 - 8.0
Crystal structure tetragonal
Lattice constant, Å a = 4.64; c = 3.06
Density, g/cm3 3.177
Mohs hardness 6
Refractive indexes ne = 1.3852; no = 1.3796
Solubility, g/100 g water at 18°C 7.6 x 10-3

Specifications for MgF2windows:
Surface quality, scratch - dig 60 - 40
Clear aperture 90% of diameter
Diameter tolerance, mm +0.0 / -0.1
Thickness tolerance, mm ± 2
Flatness λ/4 (633 nm)
Parallelism, arc min 3
Δ N < 0.5 x 10-5
Optical losses, cm-1
MgF2-UV (200 nm) < 0.07
MgF2-UV (500 nm) < 0.02
MgF2 lenses and prisms are available at request.
top Calcium Fluoride (CaF2) To Request Form
The Calcium Fluoride (CaF2) crystals are transparent in wide spectrum band. The product finds use in windows, lenses operating in UV and IR spectrum band.
Laser Use: Calcium Fluoride is also used as a host lattice for laser crystals. Due to its composition CaF2 has a much longer useful life than most materials when used in fluorine environment.

Physical Properties:

Transmission range (thickness 10 mm), µm 0.15 - 9.00
Crystal structure cubic
Lattice constant, Å a = 5.462
Density, g/cm3 3.18
Mohs hardness 4
Refractive index, at 0.13 - 9.43 µm 1.6921 - 1.3161
Solubility, g/100 g water at 18°C 1.6 x 10-3

Specifications for CaF2windows:
Surface quality, scratch - dig 60 - 40
Clear aperture 90% of diameter
Diameter tolerance, mm +0.0 / -0.1
Thickness tolerance, mm ± 2
Flatness λ/4 (633 nm)
Parallelism, arc min 3
Δ N < 0.5 x 10-5
Reflection loss at 4 µm,% 5.6 (two surfaces)
CaF2 lenses and prisms are available at request.
top Barium Fluoride (BaF2) To Request Form
The Barium Fluoride (BaF2) crystals are transparent in wide spectrum band. The product finds use in windows, lenses of special types of objectives, as mirrors substrate in optical systems operating in UV and IR spectrum band.

Physical Properties:

Transmission range (thickness 10 mm), µm 0.15 - 15.00
Crystal structure cubic
Lattice constant, Å a = 6.196
Density, g/cm3 4.89
Mohs hardness 3
Refractive index, at 1.0 µm n = 1.4686
Solubility, g/100 g water at 25°C 0.12

Specifications for BaF2windows:
Surface quality, scratch - dig 60 - 40
Clear aperture 90% of diameter
Diameter tolerance, mm +0.0 / -0.1
Thickness tolerance, mm ± 2
Flatness λ/4 (633 nm)
Parallelism, arc min 3
Δ N < 0.5 x 10-5
Optical losses, cm-1
at 0.2 µm < 0.20
at 0.4 µm < 0.08
at 10.6 µm < 0.13
BaF2 lenses and prisms are available at request.
top Lithium Fluoride (LiF) To Request Form
Lithium fluoride (LiF) crystals suit well for manufacturing optical elements (mirrors, windows, lenses) for UV, visible and IR applications. These crystals are optically isotropic, middle hard, hygroscopic, unsolvable in water.

Physical Properties:

Transmission range (thickness 10 mm), µm 0.12 - 6.50
Crystal structure cubic
Lattice constant, Å a = 4.026
Density, g/cm3 2.60
Mohs hardness 4
Refractive index, at 1.0 µm n = 1.387

Specifications for LiF windows:
Surface quality, scratch - dig 60 - 40
Clear aperture 90% of diameter
Diameter tolerance, mm +0.0 / -0.1
Thickness tolerance, mm ± 2
Flatness λ/4 (633 nm)
Parallelism, arc min 3
LiF lenses and prisms are available at request.
top Potassium Bromide (KBr) To Request Form
Potassium Bromide (KBr) is used as IR spectroscopic components, beamsplitters, for CO2 -lasers. KBr is water soluble and must be protected against moisture degradation of polished surfaces. The material cleaves readily, and can be used at temperature up to 300 °C. Irradiation of KBr produces color centers.

Physical Properties

Transmission range (thickness 10 mm), µm 0.21 - 28.00
Crystal structure cubic
Lattice constant, Å a = 6.598
Density, g/cm3 2.75
Mohs hardness 1.5
Refractive index, at 9.724 µm n = 1.5269
Reflection loss at 10 µm, 2 surfaces 8.4 %
Solubility, g/100 g water at 0°C 53.48

Specifications for KBr windows:
Surface quality, scratch - dig 60 - 40
Clear aperture 90% of diameter
Diameter tolerance, mm +0.0 / -0.1
Thickness tolerance, mm ± 2
Flatness λ/4 (633 nm)
Parallelism, arc min 3
Potassium Bromide is grown in diameter up to 300 mm. KBr lenses and prisms are available at request.
top NaCl, KCl, CsI To Request Form
Sodium Chloride (NaCl) is used for windows, lenses and prisms where transmission in the 0.25 - 16 µm range is desired. Because of its low absorption, Sodium Chloride is being used in high power laser systems. Polished surfaces must be protected from moisture by exposing to only dry atmosphere or by using a heating element to maintain the Sodium Chloride above the ambient temperature. Sodium Chloride can be used up to 400°C. The material is sensitive to thermal shock. Irradiation generates color centers.
Potassium Chloride (KCl) is used for infrared windows, lenses and prisms when transmission in the 0.3 - 20 µm range is desired (transmission extends beyond that of Sodium Chloride). Potassium Chloride is soluble in water and polished surfaces must be protected from moisture. Maximum use temperature is 400°C.
Cesium Iodide (CsI) is useful for infrared having transmission through the visible out to 70 µm in a 2 mm thickness. It is principally used for infrared prisms and cell windows. Cesium Iodide is also furnished as Thallium activated Cesium Iodide for scintillation crystals. Being relatively soft, this material has found application in satellite-borne radiation detectors, which must withstand extreme shock and vibration along with rapid temperature changes. Cesium Iodide precipitated powders are used in solid phase pelleting of samples for infrared spectroscopy.
Advantages offered are: extended transmission range and low water absorption.
Laser Use:CsI is used in the far infrared as a beamsplitter or as interferometer plates.
Influence of Environment -- Moisture: Cesium Iodide is highly water soluble and polished faces of this material may be damaged by moisture in the atmosphere when relative humidity is higher than 35%.
Handling -- Orientation: Orientation must be done by x-ray techniques.
Cleavage:Cesium Iodide does not cleave at room temperature.
Cutting and Polishing: Cesium Iodide can be cut with a band saw. Standard polishing techniques can be used.
top KRS-5, KRS-6 To Request Form
Thallium Halogenide crystals (KRS-5, KRS-6) are designed for transmission, refraction and focusing of visible and infrared radiation. krs5
Wide transparence range, radiation, thermal and vibrational stability, low water solubility make these crystals valuable for applications in optical devices working in atmosphere conditions and outer space without special protection. Low absorbtion in MID-IR and large refractive index make these crystals suitable for internal reflection elements.

Main properties:

Chemical composition TlBr - 40% TlBr - 30%
Tll - 60% TlCl - 70%
Spectral transparency range, µm 0.56 - 50 0.4 - 40
Density, g/cm3 7.37 7.19
Water solubility at 20°C, g/100 g 0.05 0.32
Optical transmission, %
at 0.633 µm > 60 > 65
at 2 - 25 µm > 68 > 72
Absorbtion at 10.6 µm, cm-1 < 1 x 10-3 < 1 x 10-3
Refractive index, at 0.633 - 10.6 µm 2.57 - 2.37 2.33 - 2.17
Max. sizes, mm dia.= 100, length=100 dia.= 150, length = 100
The deliveries from ground blanks to finished as well as processed optical elements are possible.